Saturday, September 14, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Fix It: MS Office pops out "microsoft word has stopped working 2013"
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Recently, I had the opportunity to install a MS Office Pro 2013 on this old lappie o' mine.
Installed perfectly. but there's one small problem, every time I tried opening a file or a blank template, the screen goes blurry then pops a notification "microsoft word has stopped working 2013"!
Then somehow in order to open a file, I had to open some other files first before clicking " File > Open > [search for file] "
A bit tedious, & defeats the purpose of simplifying things with a new software.
Nevertheless, as always, I just googled and found a solution to me and a 'possible' solution to others. 'Possible' here means that due to the complex nature of modern computers, what worked for me might not work for you.
Nonetheless, nothing hurts by trying, no?
To start Word in its application safe, do the following:
Click Start, go to Programs, go to Accessories, click Run, type winword /safe.
If the application works fine safe mode, try disabling the add ins for the application and check the result,
- Click the File tab.
- Go to Options.
- Click Add-ins.
- Select or clear the options that you want.
Source: Microsoft Forum
In my case, i simply deactivated the "Send via bluetooth" option.
Simple but effective
Sunday, May 12, 2013
PRU13: Electoral Votes vs Popular Votes. From a Sabahan Academician POV.
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It's highly doubtful that the talks about the recent GE13 will slow down.Nevertheless, I found a certain Sabahan's post to be quite informative.
Until recently, people have been questioning about why BN won despite the amount of votes they won (in total) are lower than PR's.
Well, read these simplified writing then you understand.
Very well said Dr.
Perjuangan bangsa bukan soal populariti tanpa sebarang sandaran kriteria. Sebab isu kebajikan rakyat tidak boleh di-akademifantasia-kan. Perjuangan bangsa adalah usaha menguasai ceruk yang pelbagai; dan menjuarai suara rakyat secara setara dari Perlis sampai ke Sabah. [Rem Dambul, Mei 2013]
Ada rakan bertanya: “Apa bah konsep Undi Popular yang tiba-tiba jadi popular di Malaysia?” Kemudian dia mengusulkan: “Buatlah satu entri pasal ini.”
Sebenarnya saya malas mau layan sebab nanti terkait cerita politik. Dalam situasi sekarang, bagus kurangkan sembang hal-hal meletop begini. Supaya iklim siber Malaysia yang sedang panas tidak bertambah terbakar.
Tapi dia balik-balik menyuruh. Hingga saya yang asalnya sangat malas mau melayan; akhirnya termakan pujuk. Moralnya di sini: saya ini lelaki yang mudah tunduk pada bujukan. Tidak sesuai jadi politikus. Nanti senang-senang digoda untuk dedahkan rahsia negara.
Majoriti kerajaan di dunia menggunakan sistem undi kerusi (atau elektoral) bagi membentuk kerajaan. Bukan undi popular. Sistem undi elektoral inilah juga yang dipraktis di Malaysia. Konsep undi popular hanya dicanang sebagai bahan penenang psikologi. Sesuai diguna oleh aktivis politik yang sedang mengalami kemurungan jiwa; kerana gagal mencapai impian yang pernah diletak setinggi bulan.
Nanti bolehlah memujuk hati sendiri: sungguhpun partiku tidak membentuk kerajaan negara ini, yang penting popularitiku gempar satu negara!
Dalam konteks Malaysia, kerajaan persekutuan mahupun negeri dibentuk mengikut majoriti undi elektoral (iaitu kiraan jumlah kerusi parlimen atau DUN). Amalan ini sudah digunapakai sejak pertama kali pilihanraya dianjur. Sistem ini bukan baru dibuat. Atau tiba-tiba digubal oleh SPR pada hari Isnin minggu lepas.
Sebab itu kita tidak perlu teruja sangat dengan konsep ‘Undi Popular’, sampai semangat kepohnya mencanak-canak. Sikit-sikit bolehlah.
Apa beza Undi Popular dan Undi Elektoral?
Undi Popular berpaksikan konsep ‘samarata’. Ia mengira undi individu secara keseluruhan tanpa pertimbangkan segmen komuniti yang diwakili. Prinsip ini dipanggil sebagai keadilan kuantitatif (kuantiti). Undi Elektoral berteraskan konsep ‘saksama’. Ia mengira undi kolektif komuniti yang mewakili kerencaman demografi dan geografi. Pendekatan ini dinamakan keadilan kualitatif (kualiti).
Manakah gambaran yang lebih representatif bagi mengukur tahap kekuatan sokongan sesebuah parti? Terpulang kepada bagaimana kita mahu definisikan keadilan dan kebajikan penduduk.
Undi Popular mudah dicemari dengan sisihan piawai sosio-budaya kerana matematik kiraannya yang sangat simplistik dan individualistik. Tiada sebarang pemberat disuntik sebagai penambah nilai. Jika Undi Popular diguna untuk mengangkat kerajaan, maka kuasa di Parlimen akan terherot kepada wilayah-wilayah urban yang menjadi tumpuan penduduk. Maksudnya, sesebuah kerajaan boleh dibentuk, secara teorinya, hanya dengan suara tunggal satu segmen mana-mana komuniti tertentu yang menguasai kepadatan penduduk.
Sarjana sains politik, Rathbun (2007), ada membuat deduksi bahawa: penerapan konsep Undi Popular dalam sistem pilihanraya mencetuskan dua kegagalan demokratik. Yang pertama, dari aspek perundangan (tuntutan perlembagaan/tatanegara); dan yang kedua adalah aspek sosiologi (keperluan masyarakat).
Apa sebenarnya isu dasar kepincangan Undi Popular sebagai satu representatif keputusan pilihanraya? Sangat jelas. Ia menggalakkan peminggiran dan pengabaian. Khususnya kelompok-kelompok minoriti yang lemah dan kecil.
Sebagai contoh. Sekalipun Pakatan Rakyat tidak berjaya memenangi undi rakyat pedalaman dan masyarakat desa; serta gagal teruk menarik sokongan penduduk Sabah/Sarawak (kurang 17%): undi popular parti ini di peringkat nasional masih mengatasi BN. Seolah-olah Sabah dan Sarawak (yang mewakili 2/3 asas keutamaan dalam pembentukan Malaysia) sudah tidak relevan lagi. Ini juga membawa konotasi bahawa: jika pun suara penduduk Borneo diabaikan sepenuhnya, pihak pengabai itu masih boleh menjuarai undi popular kebangsaan.
Tapi nasib baik. Kerajaan kita dibentuk bersandarkan perwakilan undi elektoral, bukan undi popular ini. Sistem elektoral melindungi kepentingan komuniti terpencil; e.g. mereka yang berada di pedalaman dan tidak ada sebarang akses kepada proses ‘decision making’. Sistem elektoral ini juga memberi signal kepada semua parti politik yang ada; jika mahu memerintah federal, maka haruslah mendekati segmen-segmen komuniti – yang merentas kerencaman wilayah, demografi, sosio-geografi dan sosio-ekonomi.
Tidak boleh hanya menumpukan pada satu 'comfort zone', mentang-mentang ia ada kekuatan kuantiti.
Kenapa Pakatan Rakyat memenangi Undi Popular walaupun gagal agak teruk dalam Undi Elektoral? Itu adalah tanda selektiviti – sama ada secara terancang atau kebetulan. Daya tarikan Pakatan Rakyat bersifat populist. Ia dirumus khusus untuk target satu niche penduduk, yang kebetulan membina puak tertinggi dalam strata tertentu demografi Malaysia.
Contoh tarikan populist?
Ok, ini yang mudah. Lihat pada saripati manifesto yang paling tersebar luas: harga kereta dan petrol yang murah, penghapusan bayaran tol dan pendidikan percuma.
Kemudian penjimatan belanja hasil dari manifesto PR ini; dibanding pula dengan penjimatan hasil pemberian wang bantuan 1Malaysia oleh BN. Akhirnya terolah analisis akhir: bahawa penjimatan BN hanya sekitar RM500++ setahun (wang bantuan yang diberi). Padahal penjimatan PR melangkau RM2000 ++ (dari kos petrol, harga kereta, tol, pinjaman pendidikan, etc).
Hanya ORANG GILA yang tidak mahu semua ini: kata para promoter PR ketika menjual manifesto ini. Ya, tiga perkara ini memang positif. Tapi ada tapinya.
Apa isu di sini? Promosi manifesto yang kurang empati. Mereka lupa pertimbangkan bahawa: penduduk Malaysia datang dari pelbagai latabelakang. Sekecil mana pun saiz komuniti itu, keperluan unik dan spesifik penduduk tersebut harus diberi perhatian. Kerana itu adalah tanggungjawab moral.
Berapa ramai penduduk Penangah yang ada kereta? Berapa ramai penduduk Pensiangan yang pernah ke KL, dan menggunakan lebuhraya bertol? Paling penting: berapa ramai anak komuniti di Pulau Banggi yang pernah masuk universiti atau yang akan ke menara gading dalam tempoh 5 tahun mendatang? Bagi kumpulan komuniti ini: barangkali tidak ada sebarang penjimatan yang boleh diperoleh dari tawaran manifesto PR itu. Penjimatan langsung RM500 daripada BN – mungkin itu jauh lebih bermakna.
Jangan anggap semua penduduk di Malaysia ini ada kereta; dan pengguna tegar lebuhraya bertol. Jangan anggap bahawa ‘masuk ke universiti’ itu adalah perkara natural dalam semua keluarga di Malaysia. Pergelutan hidup penduduk Malaysia cirinya pelbagai. Setiap satu pergelutan itu unik dan penting. Sebab itu kita memberi satu undi elektoral parlimen kepada Kalabakan dan Kinabatangan – walaupun penduduknya jauh lebih rendah dan kurang metropolis berbanding Shah Alam dan Pantai Dalam. Agar suara hati mereka diangkat dengan pemberat yang sama.
Sekadar contoh. Ini bukan membandingkan manifesto siapa lebih baik. Bukan.
Poin di sini: bahawa sekecil mana pun komuniti yang terpinggir di Malaysia, keperluan unik mereka harus difahami dan diselami. Mereka tidak boleh dibiar terabai dan menjadi tidak relevan – justeru ditenggelami oleh jutaan undi popular komuniti urban.
Keadilan itu adalah saksama mengikut prioriti dan keperluan, pada level komuniti. Bukan semestinya samarata untuk semua orang, pada level individu.
Source : Dr Rem Dambul
Friday, May 10, 2013
JAWI: A lost writing language? Maybe not!
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
I was born & raised in Taman Perling, Johor Bahru.
In Johor, it is customary to send the kids to "Sekolah Agama" in the evening after the morning session of "Sekolah Kebangsaan".
As you've might known, it is a religious school. So all of the textbooks are in Jawi form.
I'm not really sure the history & origins of jawi but from my understanding, it's sort of Arabic + Malay for writings.
It's quite unique in a sense. But you'd be hard pressed to find any people who can read & understand Jawi these days. Even I also have difficulties writing in Jawi though reading text in Jawi is easy (ironic ain't it?)
A friend recently posted a status in facebook, in Jawi!
I was like WOW!!!!
I just have to find out how she did it. So here I am introducing this website.
Link: JAWI Converter
It's really cool though.
Just insert your text in BM in the top box, then click "convert". Tada!!!!
Not really sure of the accuracy of spelling but it's a good start.
Spread the word, support the developer by buying the software if you can.
We need more developers like this to modernize our culture, making it relevant with the passing of time :)
Thursday, May 9, 2013
PRU13: Ipoh Flashmob Tragedy. Is it really as what it seems?
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Alhamdulillah, PRU13 is finally over.Congratz to the winners.
Well, something caught my eyes just now. Apparently someone just shared a video which seems quite familiar.
After some googling, this is the video that went viral before PRU13.
Watch it first.
Ok, done watching?
Take note what are your feelings, your sentiments, all of it.
Now watch the video below.
Go ahead.
As one of my wise political sifu once taught me, "Politic is all about perception"!
The 2 videos above are two classic examples of such statement.
The first video was cleverly edited and some segments removed. Just to add flavor, throw in some provocative on-screen text & music, Voila!!!
You have an instant classic BN-UMNO IS VIOLENT sentiment.
When in fact, if you see the second unedited video, you can see all the hard truths.
Well, no one is condoning any acts of violence, but see the nonstop provocations, the motorcyclists were clearly just trying to go away.
Key Events
The 2 videos above are two classic examples of such statement.
The first video was cleverly edited and some segments removed. Just to add flavor, throw in some provocative on-screen text & music, Voila!!!
You have an instant classic BN-UMNO IS VIOLENT sentiment.
When in fact, if you see the second unedited video, you can see all the hard truths.
Well, no one is condoning any acts of violence, but see the nonstop provocations, the motorcyclists were clearly just trying to go away.
Key Events
- Minute 3.08: The UMNO youths in RED started appearing in video. Seems like their convoy just reached the junction
- Minute 3.38: The flashmobs started to gather at the junction point where the UMNO youths stopped for red light. You can see 2 bikes riding away against the traffic, maybe to avoid confrontation.
- Minute 4.06: You can see at least 1 guy throwing bottles/rocks at the riders. No signs or retaliation from the UMNO youths. They just sped away.
- Minute 4.26: See the big fat guy in grey shirt whacking the heads of the riders as they passed him.
- Minute 4.32: Now this is where it starts to get interesting. Can you see the bald guy in black shirt pushing the rider off his bike?
- Minute 4.41: Now, the riders started to retaliate! All hell breaks loose!
Now that;s 1 1/2 minutes full of endless provocation & verbal taunting & abuse. All up to the point of physical confrontation.
I'm not saying retaliation is right or just, but can you really blame the guys for retaliating?
Ask yourself that next time.
It's all a matter of perception :)
Sepang International Circuit : Proton Circuit Experience 2013 (Preview)
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Alhamdulillah, syukur!
Proton Inspira Owners Club Malaysia (PIOCM) has been invited by PROTON to join in their limited-seats event, "PROTON Circuit Experience 2013!"
The venue will be at Sepang International Circuit. Yup, the same place where the recent Formula1 race was held.
All the details of the event itinerary are as the following attached invitation:
So, there will be 2 main events, Track Session, and Time Attack Session.
For Track Session, from what I understand, PROTON will provide 4 types of cars, with 4 cars for each type. That's totalling to 16 cars on the track.
So each person can experience driving all 4 car types at SIC!!!
For Time Attack, there will be 2 identical courses at the parking lot, we'll be using Proton Preve CFE, 2 cars for 2 tracks, while 2 other cars on standby.
We'll have practice laps too!
Well, not sure about the prizes though for having the best time though :)
According to the map given, we'll be based in Paddock Club 1.
Upon some googling, found this in Sepang Circuit website:
Well, from the looks of it, guess the layout of the paddock room is superb!
And I also noticed a few key items like:
1. Simulation Games! I expectthis to be F1-ish arcade games.
2. Buffet!!! Always a good thing!!
3. Preve R3!!!!
3. Preve R3!!!!
In all honesty, this is my first time entering the upper paddock area, the place where VIPs stay to mingle while watching the race.
Let's see how it goes tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Android Games: Cut The Rope - Time Travel (Mini Cartoons)
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Continuing from my previous post Cut The Rope: Time Travel , You'd notice I mentioned something about cartoons.
Cut The Rope has it's own mini cartoon series!
Here's an example of one of the cartoons, please check out the other links for other episodes.
Enjoy :)
Android Games: Cut The Rope - Time Travel
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
On 26th April 2013, I found out that Zeptolab had released the sequel to the "Cut The Rope" franchise.
This time it's called Cut The Rope: Time Travel. See what i just did there? This time :)
Well, maybe it was released earlier than that, but I only just noticed it that day.
My oh my, what fun it is.
The first few episodes were quite easy to be honest.
I expect this was deliberate, to give the new players some "feel" of the game whilst giving the veteran players some polishing up.


There are themes for each level.
Well, maybe the word 'theme' isn't right. Each level consists of an Era, or Age.
Like for example Level 4 is the Age of the Pharaohs!
So you get the idea.

As you can see from the above, there are various levels. You have to gain a certain amount of "stars" before you can unlock the next level.
In this case, in order to unlock "The Stone Age", I'd need about 190 Stars in total!
As compared to the previous games, this time Cut The Rope has 2 minor differences.
One, look at the top left corner. You can see a "lightning" with a number. This thing is actually like the Hawk or what in Angry Birds, it helps you finish the game when you're stuck.
Two, look at the bottom right with the vintage camera symbol. If you notice, there's a date.
That date shows the release date of the mini cartoon of the Cut The Rope Series.
There are lots of episodes available in Youtube for that matter.
Once the date is reached, the icon is click-able & it will take you to the YouTube page :)
The gameplay is also somewhat different where this time around, you have to satisfy TWO OmNomNom creatures :)
It's a bit trickier this time around, but still satisfying.
You can google the APK, tons of it around.
Hope you enjoy the game as much as I did :)
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Foods: New Magnum Ice Creams! Scrumptious!
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
During the last visit to Jusco AU2, there was some mini exhibition there with lots of booths.
Apparently there Magnum (the ice cream brand) just launch several new ice cream flavors.
The "Promotion" was RM19.90 for 2 boxes (with 3 pieces a box).
Heck, I don't even know what's the normal price but I just bought it anyway just for the sake of trying new stuffs.
It is stated on the packaging that it is "Made with Belgian Chocolate".
A friend of mine told me it is one of the best chocolate types around.
Curious, I did a simple search on "What is Belgian Chocolate?"
Here is what i found.
Belgium has a long tradition in chocolate mastery which is strongly influenced by its colonial past. Belgian chocolate is worldwidely regarded as superior because of its well balanced taste and fine structure. This is achieved by specific ingredient mixes and production processes.
Source: The Belgian
Well, suffice to say that the Belgian chocolate is indeed delicious!
The strawberry ice cream has the somewhat jelly-ish syrup together with the vanilla ice cream, surrounded by the crunchy chocolate shell.
There are other flavors as I've bought two that time. Knowing it now, I should have bought all flavors instead.
Though the price is quite steep just for a piece of ice cream, for an average joe like me, I don't think it's advisable to buy it all the time.
Monday, May 6, 2013
PRU13: Polling Day
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
So, on the 5th of May 2013, Malaysia had its 13th General Election & this is my first ever election.
Never bothered in the 2008 elections because I wasn't really keen on politics back then (was too busy studying I guess).
My mum was scheduled to go to Taiping, leaving the cats alone. So I had no choice but to go on the day itself before returning later on the same day. Guess what, my mum didn't go. duh!
Well, took off after Subuh prayers, that would be around 6.30am, so sped like hell. Maintained 200km/h+ for about 10km before "Slow Down" warning came out. I guess the CVT was overheating, darn it!
In all honesty, I could have drove slowly, could have reached in 4-5 hours (plus stops) instead of the 3 hours it took. Goodness, I hope there weren't any speed traps *SWEAT*
Upon arrival at the Sekolah Agama, the line was LONG! really long! Maybe about 100 people estimated.
So, i stopped by at a friend's house nearby. Chit chatted with the family before a massive downpour.
So the strategy was we should go then, less people would be queuing up.
Well,in a way, it was right strategy.
But, due to the rain, the original "line" was scrambled. So we ended up queuing in a tent for "Semakan Pendaftaran Pengundi". When in fact, if you already printed your slip, you can just skip this part & straight away queue up at your Saluran.
From the picture above, you can see 2 lines, on the right is Saluran 5 while on the left is Saluran 6 (which was mine).
Honestly, I really like the first polling officer in Saluran 5 because he was following the guidelines by the book. AS in he checked our hands for smudges, fingers for any marks, and even his voice is loud & clear.
Unlike the one in Saluran 6, he never even bothered to check. In fact, the 2nd officer with the ink also never bothered to let my ink dry first.
This simple method of not asking the voters to "blow" air to let the ink to dry, may be one of the factors why there are complaints about the ink being easy to wash off.
Think about it, which is easier to clear off, dry ink or wet ink?
In fact, I even let mine dried up. It still have stains until now also :)
![]() |
My finger and the "tent" that wasted 30 minutes of my time :) |
Saturday, May 4, 2013
PRU13 - Travelling from KL to JB
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Just checked with Google Maps, from my home to the polling station (Sekolah Agama Taman Perling 2), the approximate time taken would be 3 hours & 20 minutes, assuming I'm following the speed limit & not stopping :(
So I guess I'll have to go after Subuh then.
Just being a responsible, plus a bit excited because it's the first time I'm voting anyway.
Veterinary Services Info in KL
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Recently, by sheer fate & some sprinkle of luck, somebody left a kitten at my house.
Well, I already have a cat, single lone cat. So keeping another one, a small kitten at that, would be a tricky task. But that's for later.
I noticed that the kitten which i named "Manja" (for obvious reason), have a huge appetite & keeps on eating all the time.
Normally I would just assume it's normal (a kitten growing up need lots of nutrients) but what puts me off was that his stomach is a bit hard & his litter stinks! It smells bad even with the medicated litter sand.
Well, I already have a cat, single lone cat. So keeping another one, a small kitten at that, would be a tricky task. But that's for later.
I noticed that the kitten which i named "Manja" (for obvious reason), have a huge appetite & keeps on eating all the time.
Normally I would just assume it's normal (a kitten growing up need lots of nutrients) but what puts me off was that his stomach is a bit hard & his litter stinks! It smells bad even with the medicated litter sand.
I suspect bad case of worms (due to which I suspect because he was eating bad food from wherever he was dumped)
Thought of bringing Manja to the veterinar so I looked up for some government ones (because private vets are a bit pricey).
Thought of bringing Manja to the veterinar so I looked up for some government ones (because private vets are a bit pricey).
Found one which is 10 minutes away but unfortunately, the Operating Time is 8.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Guess I'll have to find a day off later.
Hospital VeterinarWilayah PersekutuanKm. 4, Jalan Selar 4 off Jalan Cheras,56100 Cheras,Kuala Lumpur.Tel:03-9284971603-92849718
Klinik Haiwan,Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan Negeri SelangorLot 2, Jalan UtasSeksyen 15/740630 Shah AlamDirect line : 03-55196708General line : 03-55103900
Klinik Veterinar UPMPersiaran BaratPetaling JayaTel : 03-79551527
Source: Gov Vet Hospitals from Petfinder
View Hospital Veterinar in a larger map
PRU13 - Saiful Bukhari video, is it authentic? Please research before judging
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Recently, it's been circulating around the social vineyard about the video of a so called "sumpah laknat" by a certain Saiful Bukhari.
Though the reason of writing this post isn't to argue about Saiful Bukhari vs DS Anwar Ibrahim, I'm personally making a beef with people arguing about the authenticity of the video as per the attached image.
As a so-called "graphics" person to give out such comments, this shocks me.
Though I'm no pro videographer, but I've did some before. And this person clearly has been living under the sewer for some time already.
If not, he'd known about the existence of a technology.. you know.. noise-cancelling-microphone?
It's been implemented since the introduction of iPhone4 & later upgraded in the iPhone5!
Mashable - iPhone5
In case of doubt for such technology, here are some references for some enlightenment.
HowStuffWorks - Noise Cancelling Headphones
JABRA - How it works?
With regards to the accusation of video superimposing & positioning of the background.
Never been to Makkah, so I won't comment on something I'm not familiar with (*cough* unlike some people who claim to be experts on things the only Wiki'd about *cough*)
So, moral of the story, always do a little research before believing such amateur comments.
Friday, May 3, 2013
PRU13 - Pulai Constituency in Johor State
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With the heat of PRU13 drawing so near, I've double checked my voting status with Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia (SPR).
Johorian as I am, so I'll be voting under Pulai.
Never thought Taman Perling would fall under Pulai though, now I'm enlightened. Can't wait to cast my first ever vote for my constituency
Link: |
Upon checking the final list of candidates in SPR's website, these are the names:
For Parliament Seat:
Quite interesting to see the PAS candidate. Though he is a Pontian fella, but he's been quite a long-serving MP in Kubang Kerian.
For DUN (State) Seat:
In all honesty, I don't recognize any of them besides Nur Jazlan. Though maybe that's because of his father too :)
Interesting to see what's the outcome of the election :)
PRU13 - Travel Time Advisory by PLUS
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Following the 13th Malaysian General Election, PLUS (North-South Highway Operator) has issued a Travel Time Advisory (TTA) for all people.
Basically, it's some sort of a "schedule" for when people should travel. The idea is that, it's to avoid all people driving on the road at the same time because that is disaster waiting to happen!
Been following the TTA for few years especially during Hari Raya Aidilfitri. I have to say, it is better compared to non-TTA period.
Been following the TTA for few years especially during Hari Raya Aidilfitri. I have to say, it is better compared to non-TTA period.
PRU13 - Malaysian Debt Crisis? Is it true?
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Apparently Malaysians have a disease or sort in which they simply share so called "facts" without any effort to check & verify these "facts".
The most recent ones are the graph that depicts the growing amount of debt since DS Anwar Ibrahim up to DS Najib Razak at the helm. It's as though that Malaysia under DS Anwar was prosperous while ever since that, the economy is plunging.
Fortunately, few of my well educated friends shared a post by one of their economic lecturers in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). I've copied the post in text here (feel free to browse the original page as per the link).
It's not really a scholar writeup, so it should be readable to the most common of us.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Android Games - Candy Crush Saga (Updates)
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
These few weeks, I've been addicted to the game called "Candy Crush Saga".
Well, the game itself is self explanatory where you try to align as many similar "candies" in a row horizontally or vertically. The more in a line, the bigger the POWWAH! :)
But here's the best part, when you get 2 super POWWAH next to each other like in the picture below, that's when the magic begins!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
As expected, it's been a hell of a struggle to even open up this blogger page..
Blame it on work? Blame it on laziness? Heck, I'd even blame it on lack of sleep too..
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